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Exactly. We have clear weather, cloudy,rainy whatever. But what about snow ? Anyone tried to mod this ? And now that we have 4 seasoned terrains i think a snowy weather would be very cool. 4 seasoned Germany, 4 seasoned american North-West, North Cape, Bering Straits, these terrains could all benefit from falling snow ! Now i dunno anything about how to do this, but it should be a variation of the Inclement weather, where instead of raindrops you have....snow :yes: Well anyway, what do you think about this ?

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Thanks that's really cool ! Problem is, it's not a "different" weather type, it replaces the standard inclement, and that means it will replace another mod of Stary's, the new Thunderstorm mod ! Can't we have them both i mean? As separate weather types ? Choosing between 2 mods made by Stary is a real torture :yes:

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so today, no -there's only one type of percitipation used in game, be it rain, snow or corn flakes -we'd need new or updated one to have different types -BUT -every terrain can have it's own environmentsystem.ini specified via given terrain's _data.ini -so I think it's possible to have global environmentsystem.ini for most seasons with rain specified, and for winter season (in the winter subfolder) different one with snowfall effect specified for this only season.


But it's been loong time since I was doing experiments with more variable weather, around SF1 oct2008 patch level

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ask Wrench, The about creating terrain-specific environmentsystems, he had made it working in the past for several terrains IIRC

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I tried this with the seasoned ANW terrain. I copied the ANW_environmentsystem to the winterfolder and replaced rain effect with blizzard. Unfortunately, it seems the game still reads the main environmentsystem so no blizzard even in winter.....maybe the ini needs to be renamed ? On a side note, desert terrains like Israel, Libya, DS don't have specific inclement weather.....obviously it would be wrong to have rain or blizzard on a desert map, so i was thinking....would it be posibile for those terrains to make a specific "inclement" like for example.........a sandstorm ?

Edited by Rapadelic

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Add this line to the particular terrain's main .ini file, under the [Terrain] heading, then add the name of your modded environment file, which you should drop into the specific terrain folder.











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