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Logitech Extreme 3D Pro Calibration Settings?

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Since i have no plan to upgrade my joystick, Im willing to ask if anyone have already properly calibrated their Extreme 3D Pro Joystick for First Eagles. Because my aircraft keeps turning left, i tried to re-calibrate my joystick and adjusted to its game default ontrol settings, but it seems it shows no sign of improvement. But it's fine running on other combat simulators.

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I dont know how much do you know about airplanes or flying simulators so no offense meant by this question. Do you know that prop planes have an inertial gyroscope effect that will make them turn, dont you? You have to counter it yourself with stick and rudder.

If you want to be sure if its this effect or the joystick, in game look at the virtual stick of your plane, if its centered it means your joystick is all good.

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@eagletheory, if after applying Jaman's good advice you still find your stick has indeed lost its twist rudder function, as mine did, you might consider my solution. I note you have no such problems in other flight sims, so what Jaman has suggested about the gyroscopic affect in prop crates might well be the answer. In any case I share the following.


My Extreme 3D Pro Joystick recently lost its x axis function. The rudder would sometimes be jammed permantly left or right or just flop about. Calibrating with the Logitech program and then with the Windows function only provided a temporary fix to a continuing degradation of performance. A few weeks ago the twist rudder died completely. I had no control over the rudder at all, and it took on a demented life of its own. This was happening unlike your experience in all my flight sims. It proved to be a good thing.


Like you, I have no plan to upgrade my joystick, so in my TW control menu I transferred the left and right rudder yaw keyboard functions to two buttons on the joystick (buttons 10 and 9.... I also had to transfer the x rotation to the right mouse button, which I never seem to use). I now work the two rudder buttons with two fingers much like you'd use your feet with real rudder pedals.


I have had to adjust and learn how to fly again but this time round I think I'm probably having a 'more realistic' experience. Working two buttons for rudder control is harder than using a twist handle, a habit I have yet to completely eradicate after 10 years use (different sticks of course).

The upshot is I am enjoying the challenge of this new input requirement and I dont think I will returning to the twist rudder anytime soon.

Hope that helps someone.


Cheers Grinseed

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