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Creating .DDS Damage Textures.

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Hi all,


I am trying to make some .DDS damage textures for some aircraft that are missing them, like my RAZBAM A-6, but can't get them to show up in game. I am using Photoshop 7.0, with Nvidia's DDS Exporter/Importer for Photoshop. What I'm doing is I'm opening the base skin, adding the damage, then deleting the skin it's self, so I'm left with just the damage texture. I'll show you how I'm trying to save them:




I'm not sure how to save them and have been playing around with it and can't get them to show up in the game. I also think I'm naming them right in the aircraft's configuration file as the _holes.dds name. I quite stumped by this, as I am quite good skinning for IL-2 and such.


Any help would be much appreciated! :salute:


Edited by liamp51

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don't they have to be called out inside the lod, just like skin bmps??? :dntknw:


try this first... convert you damage bmp (or whatever) to tgas, 24bit +8bit alpha (32bit total), call them out as usual (old style)






(ignore the _shreded)


and see if those work. I've made quite a few damage tgas, and they always seem to work. Mind you, EACH damage tga MUST have the exact same name as EACH skin bmp (I cheat, and create them FROM each skin bmp, so the holes actually match the aircraft parts), and the MUST be in the main folder of the aircraft, whre all the inis and such go



kevin stein

Edited by Wrench

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Thanks for the reply Wrench, but I still can't get the darn things to work! I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong, I'll try to make some for another aircraft, it might be a bug with the RAZBAM A-6, since it was a converted FSX model.




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