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Would anyone be interested in skinning the UH-1B in Seawolf paint? HAL-3 is the progenitor of ALL US Navy CSAR and NSW helo sqadrons ie; HAL- 4 & 5, HC-9, HCS-4 & 5, HSC-84 and soon HSC-85. Since the Seawwolves' fixed wing contemporary, VAL-4, is represented with two very fine skins why shouldn't HAL-3 be also honored? This is what the Seawolves flew.....




And this is their history....




As a proud descendant of the Seawolves, HAL-5 and HCS-5, I respectfully make this request.

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Do you have YAP? There is that skin in there.....if not Ill make one for you.

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Nope , don't have that addon, if you would be so kind to make it I'd be very grateful. Should be released to the community if it is made, the Seawolves are a very unique group of gents and I'm proud to count some of them as friends and mentors.

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@ Dave, never mind with the paint job, found the Seawolf skin in the WoV Air and Ground expansion along with VAL-4. Thanks for the offer anyway, I may need your services if I the TH-1L can be armed like the 1B. IF it can I'll get post pics of HAL-4 and 5, the Seawolves prodigys.


Added these lines to the Squadron ini so the squadrons show up, also changed the A/C's ini so the Navy units are the default.:grin:

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Ah ok. that's great!!!! Go Seawolves!

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Forgot the pilot squadron ini edit lines for the Seawolves Black Ponies, this is waht happens when I'm up late and drinking.




DisplayName=VAL-4 Black Ponies






DisplayName=HA(L)-3 Seawolves


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