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Couple of Questions please

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Hi..after playing OFF and Rise of Flight for sometime i have again booted this up and i believe this is almost in equal in atmosphere next to OFF, i think the flak is the best i have seen in a game, but i have 2 questions.


I see lots of planes to download but what do you do with them? Do you you fly them about or can you add some to the campaigns? I assume the dynamic campaign is limited to what is there in the game now...so there is no early campaign etc?


Also is the game pretty good to navigate by paper map? As the white waypoint markers and red enemy diamonds are a bit of a immersion killer...as i fear not using the white icons i will not bump into any action.


Thanks for your answers in advance!!

Edited by ChickenGeorge

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Any aircraft you add to the game will show up as enemies or friendlies within the time frame of thier use.With a little editing pretty much anything can be added to a campaign.

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Might be a good idea to tell them what game you have FE1/ + expansion Pack/ Gold / FE2 - also what patch level are you playing at.



Downloadable Aircraft can be downloaded and flown by the player or AI no different to the stock A/C. They can also be added to campaigns, you can alter the flight models, skins, decals etc if you wanted to get into that.


The campaigns will be what you see in game, you can download other campaigns or make ones yourself - to do that you need to be able to be able to use Notepad.


You can switch all the on screen displays off (red/white icons) if you like, and get rid of the red planes on the map too - so you are dependent on the cockpit. Note the white icon is just a waypoint that you can see on the in game map.



Things to note on downloading aircraft - ones done for FE1 may need a bit of tweaking to get them working fully with FE2 for example. Also some will have cockpits, some may not, in that case you may wish to use a stock pits instead or you may not depending on how fussy you are - there will be a varying quality as they are created by hobbyists.

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Oh ok i have FE2..so to add planes to the stock campaigns once they are downloaded, which file do i add them to please?

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If it only it were that simple


look at this - pretty much the same process (even though its SF2) but with different names:







do from step 2 - and extract the files from MissionData001.cat


If you dont know how to extract files:




again same process even though its SF2.

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