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Hi - Just Back

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Just a quick Hi and hope alls well


Due to work and a broken computer I have been away from OFF, although I have kept an eye on the forums.


I now have time betwwen jobs and a new computer to begin an OFF campaign and of course carry on trying to skin.

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Beanie, old chap! I knew you were there in the clouds, and it's good to see you in the mess again!

I hope your break will be as long as any possible, and I wish you much fun.

Sounds like it might be hard to decide, what to start with first? Skinning? Flying?

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I will start with a campaign as I have not played for sometime.

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Good to have another flyer back. Hope it's OK with you and that your OFFing is fun/action packed. Drop a report in the action thingy if you can!

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Welcome back Beanie old Chap!....have a shot of Scotch...patrol at Dawn! (so dont drink too much)

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