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Slightly annoying 'Time Advance' problem

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Sometimes the dice rolls schedule me to fly the noon or afternoon patrol, not the morning one. So I'll time advance from morning to noon but sometimes, randomly, it'll skip the entire day!


I don't like that, feel like it's cheating. Why does it do this? It doesn't always, sometimes I can time advance from morning to noon or evening without any problem.

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Sometimes the "time advance" seems to go to the same hour on the next day.

So, when there were only two flights that next day, you may get the later one.

If there was only one flight, you may miss the whole day.


It doesn't have anything to do with "die roll on death".


I advance time, when I get a mission type the Germans didn't fly with fighters, like railyard attacks.

I don't bother, if it skips a whole day - I know I won't survive the whole war anyway - even with cheating.

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See it this way its not your turn to go into the meat grinder that day... thats how I look at it. See it as a rest day or that not enough planes could be made ready...

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Hi Jav,


Just see it as yet another cockup by the admin wallahs and retire to the mess for a few drinks. That's probably what your counterparts in WWI did, so do it too!




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