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US Soldier rescues Puppy

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Call me an old Softie....but I was genuinely moved by this picture, of a Trooper falling behind from his squad in Iraq (I think)...to rescue a little Pup.

Well done that man! :drinks:



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That is awesome. Great to see something good coming from Iraq for a change.




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you seem to be writing an awful lot into that picture, but lets hope thats what happened,, call me,,,,,jaded.

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jaded = new

and that picture not in iraq!

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you seem to be writing an awful lot into that picture, but lets hope thats what happened,, call me,,,,,jaded.


Then why write anything in reply, if you have to be negative about it? If the majority of people who see this picture and have a good thought, don't be that guy who stomps all over it.

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Then why write anything in reply, if you have to be negative about it? If the majority of people who see this picture and have a good thought, don't be that guy who stomps all over it.


Thank you Storm...what was he gonna do?...eat it?


Just because he's a Trooper...he doesn't have empathy?...Tell that to the SAS squad who risked their lives in a frontal assault on a cabin full of Taliban, rather than call an airstrike,,,because they didn't want the Donkey nearby to get killed! (true story)

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was the puppy in eminent danger of being flattened by an m1-abrahms tank, were the taliban about to execute it for being too cute? Did that radioman adopt the puppy as the squad mascot and take him along for the ride or did he just stop and scratcth its head and say "seeya later pup" Thats what I meant by saying you were reading a lot into it, and "lets hope thats what happened" does not qualify as "stomping all over it" in my book.

Sorry if I ruined anyones "feel good moment" in the middle of a situation where people are being blown to itty bitty pieces, my bad

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I think that's neat.(hell if it were me I would've taken that little fella with me)

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