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I was wondering what makes the F-117 from the ODS pack for series 1 games stealthy? I ask this because the aircraft has no ECM equipment, or Chaff or flares and it is undectable by any radar system in the game. I know that all this applies to the real F-117 as well, but my question is why is the F-22A available for series 1 or 2 games not stealthy in the same way. I'm no expert on stealth technology, but I know in actual tests the raptor is a stealthier aircraft. So ultimately my question is what can I do in the "F-22A_DATA.ini" to make the F-22 as stealthy as the F-117? I fly the F-22 and radar always detects me from miles away, but the older and less stealthy F-117 is never detected in the game.


Thanks Everyone

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this do the aircraft stealth


but i dont know if this can be negative...

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this do the aircraft stealth


but i dont know if this can be negative...



Thanks cadeteBRA! I guess that was the issue. I changed the -0.0001 in the F-22 to 0.0005 from the F-117_data.ini and it worked!

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