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Multiple launchers on the F-4E Kurnass 2000 (89)

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Hey guys, so I was messing around with the F-4E Kurnass' .INI and found a way to add Active Radar Homing missiles on the sidewinder stations. However, I was hoping there would be a way to add the double launcher rails of IRM or AHM to the outer Wing pylon. I already have it to accept IRM's and AHM's, but I would really like to have them in multiple launchers. Any clues?

Thanks in advance!

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2IR, 2AR are the attachment types you need to add.

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Hey EricJ! Thanks for the reply! I don't want to come out as rude, but could you please expand on it? As in where to add those to 'lines' (guess) or what other tweaks to make! So far, I screwed up lol...Thanks God I backed-up the Phantom's DATA file lolSalute.gif

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Hey EricJ! Thanks for the reply! I don't want to come out as rude, but could you please expand on it? As in where to add those to 'lines' (guess) or what other tweaks to make! So far, I screwed up lol...Thanks God I backed-up the Phantom's DATA file lolSalute.gif


Anyone want to help me? lol


Pweeaaseee :pboredom.gif




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Erg... AttachmentType are the keywords :good: I don't have my computer handy but that should point you in the right direction... :good:


Bear in mind that you are still limited by weight and dimensions on that station as well...

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Erg... AttachmentType are the keywords :good: I don't have my computer handy but that should point you in the right direction... :good:


Bear in mind that you are still limited by weight and dimensions on that station as well...


Yeah I took a look at the weight limitations, but you can change that! And remember, the pylon i'm talking about normally holds up 2000 lb's in bombs...so dual IRIS-T's are not that stressing on it!grin.gif

Keep in mind however, I have absolutely NO CLUE as to what I'm doing lol. Trial and error is the way I roll!rofl.gif

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:smile: True you can change it but that's another part you gotta consider :good:

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isn't this covered in the 1stGen knowledge base on 'editing hardpoints'???


I'd suggest spending some time in KB; a LOT of your questions have already been answered. 99.9% of EVERYTHING in 1stGens works the same in NextGen SF2

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