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My first flight lesson

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Well, at age 49, I finally decided to take flying lessons. Had my first one today in a 1968 Piper Cherokee 160. Great time! Already made two landings (with instructor help, of course); but hey, it is a start!


It was playing with flight sims that did it. I spent 20 yrs in the Navy, fixing aircraft; and always wondered if I could fly them as well.


Anyway, I am glad to have gotten the nerve to do it, and look forward to getting my license!


Chief W.

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WOW! Congratulations! I started when I was 6 because my family owns a plane. I haven't been doing too many lessons though. However, I think it is absolutley great see anyone in the air. :D I you get the chance head up to oshkosh www.airventure.org and think about joining the EAA www.eaa.org . Good luck, and don't let the instuctor push you around :wink:

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Hey Chief..wheres the IM 9s mounted on that bird or do you plan on running Sandy missions only and have the guns and WillyP pylons secured for the public? :D

Nothing like serving a "snake and nape" breakfast!

Congrats and continued success.Now we just gotta get you landing your F-4 like that.

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I remember what my first lesson was like!

you will also NEVER forget when your instructor get out of the aircraft and and tells you to go on ALONE!

the 1st pic is that of my son and I a few (well a bit more thatn a few :lol: years ago) in our 1st plane (Cessna 150L) and the last is of my Dad, Son and I in the new plane 1999 Cessna 172S)

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Guest Ranger332

Congratulations! :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup:

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Congrats on your first flight! I learned in a Cherokee also. Great aircraft! Keep the blue side up and don't forget to LOOK DOWN THE RUNWAY ON LANDING! :twisted: ....Sorry, thats the former flight instructor in me coming out again....-Sledge

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