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Undocumented but useful keyboard command?

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My OFF manual doesn't seem to mention this command, which might actually be quite useful, at least if, like me, you play with padlock and hatswitch rather than tracking s/w.


Ctrl+` (that's accent key) = target attacker - supposed to target whoever's shooting at you.


Was looking for a way of padlocking different attackers with the TAC/radar turned off, but it seems you must have the TAC on, to either start padlocking or to switch to a different target, which I find a pain as I prefer to leave the TAC off. So thinking of keeping it on, with range set to 1 mile, as it's probably a reasonable simulation of what you (or your flight) should be able to see and compensation for the lack of peripheral vision sitting at a monitor (and what I find to be the indifferent aircraft visibility range in CFS3/OFF - with no 'radar' I can be right in the middle of the AA bursting around enemy planes, before I can see them unaided, not good).


Found this command in the manual for CFS3 addon 'Mosquito Combat' which also says the range at which you see things on the 'radar/TAC is affected by the system's estimate of what you should be able to see given clouds etc (and also your pilot's 'health', interestingly): http://www.contactsa...03%20manual.pdf


It makes the point the CFS3 'radar' is less 'God-like' than the CFS2 version, which is good. Confirms my inclination just to leave it on most of the time, and not feel I'm cheating, so long as I keep the range at, say, 1 mile.


Anyway the Ctrl+` key may make it easier to pick out quickly who's shooting at you, will try it out at next available opportunity.

Edited by 33LIMA

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My OFF manual doesn't seem to mention this command, which might actually be quite useful, at least if, like me, you play with padlock and hatswitch rather than tracking s/w.


Ctrl+` (that's accent key) = target attacker - supposed to target whoever's shooting at you.


Was looking for a way of padlocking different attackers with the TAC/radar turned off, but it seems you must have the TAC on, to either start padlocking or to switch to a different target, which I find a pain as I prefer to leave the TAC off. So thinking of keeping it on, with range set to 1 mile, as it's probably a reasonable simulation of what you (or your flight) should be able to see and compensation for the lack of peripheral vision sitting at a monitor (and what I find to be the indifferent aircraft visibility range in CFS3/OFF - with no 'radar' I can be right in the middle of the AA bursting around enemy planes, before I can see them unaided, not good).


Found this command in the manual for CFS3 addon 'Mosquito Combat' which also says the range at which you see things on the 'radar/TAC is affected by the system's estimate of what you should be able to see given clouds etc (and also your pilot's 'health', interestingly): http://www.contactsa...03%20manual.pdf


It makes the point the CFS3 'radar' is less 'God-like' than the CFS2 version, which is good. Confirms my inclination just to leave it on most of the time, and not feel I'm cheating, so long as I keep the range at, say, 1 mile.


Anyway the Ctrl+` key may make it easier to pick out quickly who's shooting at you, will try it out at next available opportunity.


PS don't see Ctrl+` in the keyboard command file (Mine.xca) but it does have this:


<Key ID="Tilde" Mod="Control" Action="TargetLastShooter"/>


...which might be the same thing, except it it Control plus the 'Tilde' key (the wavy line above the hash key, on an English UK keyboard anyway). Will assign to a joystick button and experiment to see what works.

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Sounds interesting, and it was new to me. Thank you, LIMA!

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I have found recently, that the commands "Attack" and "Help" are mostly all I need.

I tell them to attack, when we go on two-seaters or fighters, which are lower than us.


When we get jumped by fighters, I usually only press "Help", and they will attack the planes next to me,

while I try to pepper each and every enemy craft to make it easier for my wingmen.

May not be "historically correct", but it is very effective.

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