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Flight Sim Heaven...

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Just picked up Pacific Fighters at Best Buy and Wings over Vietnam will arrive via FedEx on Monday!! I must have died and gone to FS Heaven :biggrin: . Off next week too :haha: . VA-66 carrier ops and defending Pearl Harbor = No Food, Sleep, Sex and sanity for the immediate future. I am in heaven!


Off to Carquals in my F-6 for now,


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I picked up Pacific Fighters last night as well... Man it feels good to shoot something down again! With guns, not them cheater missles! :haha: I think my system is limited on the amount of graphics it can produce, so I'm stuck with decent-but-nothing-exhilerating graphics. Oh well, the up side is that with all the settings on high I've got smooth playing!


Oh, and as I found out last night, watch out for that P-40, it stalls very easily! Looks like this game is gonna be hour upon hours of fun! :good:

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Mine should get here monday or tuesday.


Cant... wait...much longer...


Listening to you guys only make it worse for me...lol. :shok::wacko:

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