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Modding Stock RedTop and FireStreak

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Good Afternoon,


I am currently modding the above stock missles so they are closer to the original spec, match gun camera, first hand accounts and chase plane footage.

The RedTop was a brute of a missle and was agile off the rail, very reliable (after initial problems were worked out) and accurate. It used transistor technology so needed no seeker cooling and fared very well if used correctly on monovering fighter sized drones. Yes it was old but it was far ahead of its time. Even up to the 80's it was more reliable than most misslies and was very adapt at collision course intercepts. It was also the first missile of its kind to make head on intercepts. This was all gathered from actual lighning pilots, film footage and gun camera footage of firings over Valley in Wales. I even have been shown footage and reports of a firestreak preforming a collision course intercept rather than a tail pipe job which surprised me a great deal.


I have managed to mod most of the specs to the original specs and adapt the characteristics to match the actual footage and reports but I have a problem. The redtop (and to a lesser extent firesteak) has a large 32kg anular blast fragmentation warhead capable of knocking out very large aircraft, the fusing system is excellent on the real missile detonating the missle near the mid section or closer to the cockpit. But on many occasions in game the missle detonated close to the tail causing little damage to the bomber. On collision intercepts the bomber would be knocked down no problem but tail chase there seems to be a problem with closing close the the aircraft or even impacting it. The firestreak for instance actually physically hit the aircraft 80-90% of firings.


Does anyone have anysuggestions of increasing the kill probability when the missile detonates when striking the tail of and aircraft? I have increased the warhead size to the original spec, increased accuracy, arming times reduced so missiles are more agile off the rail meeting eye witness accounts. These bomber swatters are still not detonating in the right place or causing the damage they should.


I would welcome any suggestions.

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The bombers in question.. are they stock Tu-22s?

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The Russian bombers in-game are over armoured so a historically accurate warhead size won't do as much damage as it should..

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Yes, Tu-22 can take a volley of Sidewinders up its tail and hardly lose a surface. I believe they outrun the TK's model of the explosion too.

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