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WW1 air war boardgame

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I've been asked to test the solo spaect if Bloody April by Terry Simo GMT games.


If you have the slightest interest in WW1 airwarfare I suggest you check it out and pre order. Solo apsect is from the Allied side only but it is really a two player game. Lots of planning etc involved.


Links below.




SOme great AAR's further on in the link below.




Below is something terry posted over at consim


"The main components of air combat in WW1 are portrayed in Bloody April. Wind and Weather have a huge impact and are complex than depicted in Downtown/EV. Differences in altitude have a huge effect in WW1 combat and the Time to Climb calculations (which are fairly easy with the counter tracking) but are more complex than DT/EV. Flight mechanics will be familiar to players of the earlier games but have more depth in that there can be gliding flight and spinning flight. However, only one type of flight can be selected for the entire game turn -- so Level, Climb, Dive are your standards and Gliding/Spinning flight are more exceptions. So both simpler and complex than DT/EV. Combat for the initial clash is the same as DT/EV but now can be extended into a Dogfight to depict the longer engagement times of WW1 -- so more complex if getting into a Dogfight. Aircraft taskings -- definitely more complex with the number of options although they are all fairly simple - there is more detail. Recon, Arty Coop, Contact Patrols, Balloon Busting, Bombing, Trench Strafing -- so more complex there. Detection and Visual Sighting are both simpler and more complex in BA vs DT/EV as you now take into account being Tally on a target to improve your odds of engaging -- there are three states that a flight can be in the game -- Undetected, Detected and Visually Identified (Tally). The ability to track individual pilots/crews with named/rated aircraft can be viewed as adding a level of complexity. Rulebook will shorter in length than DT/EV but packed with rules. Tables are still needed for certain actions but I've always found the DT/EV/BA tables easy to use. As best as can be cobbled into a boardgame, I feel we have captured the essence of what WW1 air combat would be like at a strategic/tactical hybrid level. You'll have daring escapes by Recon aircraft, Dogfights that last minutes vs seconds and quick kills. Dashing Balloon attacks through heavy AA. You'll have 60-80 aircraft doing what most games only show 2-4 aircraft doing in previous games. There is a narrative to the missions -- you'll dread seeing Jasta 11 show up behind your Offensive Patrol and know that someone isn't coming home. You'll have wind gusts and dud engines. Navigation errors, Flaming Onions, Artillery shoots. Flying on the deck looking for your advancing troops or enemy points of resistance. Bombing raids on railyards and lines of communications. This is not Wings of War or a simple game of WW1 combat although it is also not a detailed modeling of the actual maneuvering of aircraft in combat but the hunt and the chase to get to combat is modeled very well. All of the taskings will give you a unique perspective on what those guys went through - especially the recon 2-seaters. More complex than DT/EV -- yes in alot of ways, no in others. I rarely refer to rules while in play but the charts are used regularly. There are Optional and Advanced rules that can be omitted to make the game less complex so that would be up to the individual player. Anyway - hope that explains a bit more. I hope to start posting some updated examples of play as we finish up the last bits of rules tweakin."

Edited by Wodin

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Interesting! I was in touch with a bloke in the USA who'd also written a (still semi dormant) game on the same lines, but unfortunately he's put it to bed it seems.


Let us know how it pans out.

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This has a;lready passed the P500 mark so it's coming out.


I've signed a NDA so not sure what I can say at the moment. I will post some AAR's if possible.

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looks interesting. But you could go "old school" and pick up a copy of the nearly 40 year old Avalon Hill boardgame "Richtofen's War" It was one of my favorites as a youngster. I didn't realize how complex it could be (it even models torque effects on turns). I'm pretty sure that still have it somewhere in a box in my basement.


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Yes great game but a different scale altogether. No WW1 airwar game yet has covered this scale, I only wish we could have a PC version...though GMT are making PC versions of there games so fingers crossed.

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looks interesting. But you could go "old school" and pick up a copy of the nearly 40 year old Avalon Hill boardgame "Richtofen's War" It was one of my favorites as a youngster. I didn't realize how complex it could be (it even models torque effects on turns). I'm pretty sure that still have it somewhere in a box in my basement.


Man, I spent many hours with Richtofen's War before moving on to Dawn Patrol/Fight in the Skies by Mike Carr and spending even more time with it.

Actually I used the Richtofen's War board and counters when playing Dawn Patrol/Fight in the Skies so I alway had both at hand.


There was always talk for years that a new version of Fight in the Skies would be released but I don't think that ever panned out. Too bad.



Edit: Just got back from your link Wodin - looks cool. I will be watching for your reports.

Edited by DukeIronHand

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My favorite game as a lad was Dogfight! by Milton Bradley. Wish I still had it, my son is 10 and would love it.


My link



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This has a;lready passed the P500 mark so it's coming out.


I've signed a NDA so not sure what I can say at the moment. I will post some AAR's if possible.


Please do post AARs when u get the game. Sounds interesting because of the planning.:good:

Thanks for the Heads up.:grin:

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Well just starting my first agme using vassal against someone to learn the game and then I cna get busy testing solo.


All I can say is WOW!!


From what I've read and seen so far it's a must have. A Total must have. Also I'm going to make sure the solo aspect works well.


Seriously as you all have an interest in WW1 air warfare you have to get it when it comes out. The VASSAL module is already looking excellent aswell.

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