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Interesting source of colour profiles - 'Wings Palette'

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Stumbled across this trying to find confirmation of a colour profile in 'Take Off' (a c.1990 aviation part work) of Albatros DII D491/17 said to be MvR's in Jasta 2 ilustrated painted red even then (incorrectly I believe). Via Google, came across this (Russian?) site. Navigation is a bit strange, select the plane from the list on the left then the country from the little box in the middle, then choose a plane from the list on the right I think; there are ofter multiple pages for each to click thru, listed along the bottom. The link is to the Albatros DV page:




The profiles seem to be collected from other sources (sometimes uncredited? eg a Jasta 4 Alb DV which is from the Profile Publication):

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Yes, a nice site I often visited. But it's never wrong to post such links twice, LIMA.

The profiles are collected from various sources, it seems.

Some of the profiles are not correct, but that may happen often, when people work after

black & white photographs.


According to the book and profiles of our forum's JFM (James F. Miller), Manfred von Richthofen has

been flying the Albatros D.II 481/16 (or: 491/16 - seems the number could not be clearly identified).


The craft got at some time painted earth brown - maybe "Take Off" took that for red?



Edited by Olham

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Yes, a great site..that I had forgotten about!..so thanks for the reminder LIMA :drinks:

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Yes, I am of the opinion he definitely flew 481/16. 491/16 came from Nowarra and Brown's 1958 book von Richthofen and the Flying Circus, but there is no source credit for this serial number. Where did it come from? I can't find mention of 491/16 anywhere. However, I found 481/16 in MvR's translated combat reports. Not to say MvR didn't also fly 491/16, but I haven't found any source for this.


Regardless, his DII flown with Jasta 2 was painted either green or brown--appears similar to many other Jasta 2 Albs known to be brown. Something like this:




It doesn't appear as such in my book, alas. I didn't piece this together until after publication.

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Thanks for this profile, JFM - downloaded and saved! :good:

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