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Seperate IR missile growls?

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Hey, I'm trying to add(read: jury-rig) a different seeker growl to the AIM-4 Falcon(from where I've read had a different growl from the AIM-9s), but I cannot find how to do it. There's no entry for sounds in the weapon editor(unlike the gun editor).


Could someone with more experience/knowledge lend a hand?

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Sorry, you can only one have one set of IR tones that's shared with every aircraft and every IR missile type in your install. You can, however, individualize RWR tones between aircraft models to a degree (one set of track and lock tones per aircraft).

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No, it's in each model's avionics.ini, as separate track and lock tones.

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As a sort of consolation prize there is a sound file that improves the growl considerably. Having worked on almost every weapon system in the Navy the improved file sounds almost like the real one. The lock tone especially changes to a higher more urgent pitch than the default one. You should find it in the "sounds" download library.

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