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Stumped on a Texture not showing up

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I installed the Mi-24P from here by Gepard. It requires the Mi24P-R0d.LOD file from Capun's original Mi-24, which doesn't have this file, or AllenJBs Mi-24 mods which does. I installed the AllenJB Mi-24 file and the helicopter shows up...only it's an Albino.


I got it all installed, but Gepard's Afghanistan texture won't show. The helicopter is white with the decals on it. I placed a texture from AllenJBs Mi-24 and it shows fine.


So... why doesn't the Gepard Afghanistan texture show?




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Guest rscsjsuso5

i believe it is the naming of the files maybe if you take a look at skin file name in each folder. example mi24v_01 or mi24p_01 . just a guess

Edited by rscsjsuso5

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always compare them visually (in an image viewer - irfanview, photoshop, GIMP, etc) to see if they're identicaly mapped

and always chec the skin bmp names for identicality (is that word??)


also, was there a textureset.ini for Gepard's skin?

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Thanks, the texture files needed to be renamed. They are in the download file incorrect. The Hind has color now.




Yes, there is a textureset.ini file but apparently that isn't the problem. The texture files in the download file are mis-named.




Thanks, Guys,




Either of you know where I can lean to activate helicopter main guns?


I've a few in a campaign that don't fire. Lots of missiles, rockets, etc. But I always like to squeeze a few rounds into whatever's in front of me when I'm too close for anything else or out of the other weapons.

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Guest rscsjsuso5

on the guns issues it depends , some guns are set to automatic meaning if it detect enemies then it will shot but if your helicopter data has it set to manual then you need to make sure all related field are written correctly example like aircraft guns so you can shot via spacebar . also goto gundata.ini and search for guntype or if the creator of helicopter made a special type of gun then you need to add to gundata.ini via guneditor. hope this help

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