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Decals not showing in SF1 Meteor F8

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Seems like I dealt with this a couple years back, but can't remember the fix.


The SF1/Gen1 Meteor F8 has a few skins with the initial download file.


The skins folders have D folders with the decals.


The decals don't show up on the plane on any of the skins.


This is in SFG.


Can't remember what the fix was. (Keep forgetting to take my memory pills.)


Been searching the site the last hour. Same problem posted for SF2 but different folder organization.


Any help or point me in the right direction please.






Edited by GearyMcS

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Check the decals.ini, sometimes you have to increase the DecalMaxLOD if it's at 3 or below. Setting it to 4 works for me. Otherwise make sure the path to the D folder is correct. Hope this helps.

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Thanks, but that apparently wasn't the problem. I tried it and it didn't work.


But, I copied the decals out of the /D folder and pasted them into the Objects/Decals folder.


Then took out the old path reference in the Decal.ini:


For Instance: CHANGED THIS:








And now the airplanes are no longer naked.



Also, apparently most of the original decal.ini paths didn't include the airplane in front of the skin folder.



Thanks for the effort,




Edited by GearyMcS

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must've been a pre-06 mod. After the 06 patch, the full path is required *aircraftname*/*skinname*/D/*decalname*


if you've got the WoI expansinon for 1stGen, you should be able to make use of the SF2 RAAF Meteor skin/decal set I did for them. It's in the SF2 skins downloads, and is 98.6% hisorically accurate (also 77Sqds Mustangs too)

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You're right. I finally figured out/remembered how to get the decals to show up.


Like you said "*aircraftname*/*skinname*/D/*decalname* in the decal ini.



That's the problem with having to leave the sim alone for periods of time. I foget how to do what I had done.

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