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OT: For Widowmaker

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I think Widowmaker can appreciate this pic. Here we see that Ofi Losa (black dog) has become Ofi Lusakbi (brown dog). She chased a deer way beyond visual and audible range out into the woods. Then apparently on the way back, she decided it was a nice day to dig to China. This is the height of the local monsoon season so the ground is completely soggy. She was gone about an hour.


For some reason, this pic doesn't do justice to the amount of mud on this dog. To truly understand the mess, look at those lumps near her front foot. Those are her dogtags, each of which had about 1/2" of mud caked on both sides. She was pretty much that way all over. And she know's she's about to get the garden hose treatment and that I'm not at all happy with her. Good thing I put my fire boots on or my legs would have been as bad off as the dog.


So, Widowmaker, do your collies behave like this?


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She looks as if she'd say:

"A hard day's work done! You can be really proud of me! Didn't get through to China though - Iron Curtain, you know?

But the "Journey to the Center of the Earth" - tch! Much overrated! Boy, I should be tired, but I wonder, if there aren't

any slippers I could chew my way through..."

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Hahahahahahahaha....the term 'Messy Pup' comes to mind!...wow!


Have to say..My two aren't diggers...but some of the photo's on the Border Collie Facebook page I'm on, are testament to the Burrowing Prowess of the Black and White Dudes!!!!

(though, I think 'Ofi Losa' has nailed first prize for that!!!!


thanks for posting BH...made my day :lol: :lol: :lol::drinks:

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Sweet video, Widow - maybe they think they are men, when they live with us?

And why not - if they could speak, I bet they would be able to talk like a 4 year old child?

Maybe even more?

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There is a saying around... "There are Dogs..and then there are Border Collies"


They're certainly extremely bright Dogs (and hard work at times...just like a Four year old human Olham) :grin:

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If they are border collies, they certainly do talk.

Sometimes, they won't shut up!


Ofi Losa knows that proper dogs are seen as infrequently as possible and heard even less. She communicates almost entirely by body language, only barking when somebody strange arrives at the homestead. She mever whines or whimpers. On the whole, this is a good thing, but she refuses to call when she's treed some game, which limits her effectiveness on the hunt. She's great at running critters up trees, but until I'm close enough to hear her jumping and scratching at the tree, I might as well be alone once she disappears into the underbrush in a chase. But OTOH, finding her improves my own tracking skills.


I suppose she interprets my commands by my own body language, plus my gestures and tone of voice. I think tone is the biggy because she reacts properly even when she can't see me. This is because I've gotten the same, correct response from her regardless of the spoken language I use. I've tried at least 11 Indo-European, 2 Semetic, 1 Muskogean language on her. So definitely, she was bred to live with people and understand their wishes. I figure she'd do just fine if she were dropped off anywhere in the world and adopted by whatever tribe lived there.


But for all that linguistic skill, she can't shake her doggy ways of rolling in the remains of dead skunks or steaming piles of bear excrement, and thinking she can dig a hole big enough for her faster than some game animal can run through a pre-existing burrow. Even though she knows such habits greatly annoy me, as shown by her repentant posture in the pic above.

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My dogs don't really dig much, but both are known to empty buckets of sand. It can be a pain in the neck if you're mixing batched mortars where consitency matters and a few kilos of sand disappears, but I haven't the heart to be cross with them. They're too cute.


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