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Two Questions

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Are there float planes in P3? Or any squads that do combat at sea, attacking ships or subs? Are there Torpedoes in OFF?


Also is the Dolphin in the game? I saw someone else mention some sort of third party download I guess it was, how does that work and can I fly campaigns in the dolphin?

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No, and no.


AFAIK (never tried it) you can install any plane made for CFS3 into OFF, but it will only show up in Quick Combat not in campaigns. So theoretically you could have a seaplane flying in OFF, if you can find one; I vaguely remember a Short seaplane in OFF Phase 2 but maybe I'm imagining that. Likewise you could install other made-for-CFS3 objects like weapons, ships and planes (albeit they'll be WW2 ones, so not much point), but would probably have to build missions for them to show up.


The Dolphin you were thinking off is probably the A Team Skunkworks one for First Eagles; RoF has one of course and so may SDOE-WW1. I'm pretty sure there is no Dolphin for CFS3 or OFF, and it's not amongst the planes announced for OFF2.

Edited by 33LIMA

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