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Armchair Aces 1916 1.1 problem

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Hi i am running into an issue with this mod. When i want to play as Germans my plane (any German except Rumpler and PfalzEI) simply blows up the second the campaign finishes loading..i do not get a chance to do anything. With the AEG G4 is says in the hud "reached waypoint 1,2,3,4" really quickly. The planes fly perfectly in single missions..any ideas please?

Edited by ChickenGeorge

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I don't know...Give me more information. What is the name of the campaign and the unit you are flying for? Are you starting on airfield, in the air or neart the target? More people has this problem?

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No problem starting in air?? Seems like you are using old not updated FMs and starting various meters over the ground, then you fall and Kaboom!. Install Peter01 FMs (as recomended in my very long and boring readme), please, and tell me.

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No i re-installed all the flight models but it still blows up 50m in the air..1915 works fine though...weird...think i will do a full re-install of the game and see what happens...thanks anyway!

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I could be wrong Chicken George but it sounds like a FE1/FE2 conflict. It could be something else but I had the same problem last year flying Wrench's WW1 Palestine which was made for FE2, not FE1.

Armchair Aces 1915 1.1 has few differences to FE1 except the terrain. In the FE2 version I could take off but in the Voges region I started submerged under 10 feet of snow that hovered as a layer above the actual ground. Strange things happen in the FE1/FE2 interface.

If you have FE2 ignore all this. : )


Cheers and Happy Landings



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I found the same issue with the Voges terrain in both my FE1 and FE2 installs, no matter which season I fly in. I can takeoff from any aerodromes with no issues. But if I have to make a forced landing on the terrain anywhere surrounding, the aircraft sinks below the ground level leaving either a bit of top wing showing or completely buried. I have a suspicion that there has been a flaw in the terrain elevations file since the very beginning when Gepard released the Voges terrain mod. I vagely remember an old forum thread discussing this issue in both FE1 and FEG but I never remember a solution posted by Gepard or anyone else. Has anybody else seen this behavior in the Voges terrain or might there be a fix available?



Edited by OlPaint01

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From a Quack74 post time ago:


What worked for me as far as the terrain height, open the Vogesen_DATA.ini scrole down to the [Texture001], [Texture002], etc, etc. Change the

"HeightMapScale" to "HeightMapScale=0.000000" for every [Texture].

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Thanks, M8! Great advice. Setting "HeightMapScale=0.000000" for every [TextureXXX] in Vogesen_DATA.ini was just what I needed to do to keep my forced landing aircraft from plunging below ground level.



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