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Does anyone know how to recolor a TGA/BMP image?

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Hi, I want to change the color of the HUD of my MiG-29 cockpit to yellow that it´s based in the SU-27 wich is green. But I don´t know how to modify the TGA images (or BMP) so they can function in the sim. After I modified a few in Jasc Paint Shop Pro 9 I started SF2 but in the game they look black, violet-purple or transparent and I can´t see the info the plane supose to show.

Does anyone know how to modify them and make them work? Which program do I use to do so? How do I manage the transparence and the bit dep? Thanks

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Paint.net is set to use the proper 32-bit alpha channels in TGA files, by default. And, best of all, it's free :good:

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Thanks guys, I´m gonna try now and let you know what happens

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to change the color, you're going to paint below that alpha, directly onto the RGB layers. It's pretty easy; I've done it lots of times

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No luck guys, I really must be doing something wrong. I´ve installed the Paint.NET but although I change only the color of the things I want, they still doesn´t show up inside the game. It´s just a transparent HUD. When I save the images the 32 bit option is activated and still doesn´t seem to work.


This is how it looks when I use Paint.NET to change the color. I even use the "Replace color" tool to be more accurate.






This image is when I save the image in 32 bits. At this point, I never modied the alpha channel





Even if they worked, I have another problem. Other numbers and some symbols appears in green, but I think that something from the "avionics" file.








PD: The cockpit is not mine. These guys appear in the readme file:

Cockpit: MarcFighter, Kesselbrut, BPAo (special thanks to Boopidoo, Mago and Badger for textures)

Cockpitrepaint: 76.IAP-Blackbird

Avionics: Moonjumper

ini edit: 76.IAP-Blackbird


Betatesting: Vrkuboy, Badfrank

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Disable the TGA compression (RLE) when saving the tga file in Paint.NET!

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does the cockpit in have the necessary shader and effects statements for HUDs????


pull the F-15A or the F-16A Netz, and LOOK at the HUD statements ... I"ll bet money those statements are missing

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It worked disabling the TGA compression (RLE), but when you switch to A-G weapons/mode all the elements of the HUD disapears.

I believe "Wrench" is right. Is like it´s a SF1/WOX cockpit only. Thanks anyway.

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