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Searching for an obscure photograph...

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Hullo friends. I know I've been quite inactive around here. I visit periodically, but only post occasionally. I'm working prelaw at my university now and preparing for graduation (and LSAT/law school applications after), so time is limited.

That said I've been reading Sagittarius Rising. A little ways into the Somme chapter (page 53 of my paperback) Lewis mentions a 2c pilot who deliberately allowed a Fokker to close with him so he could snap a picture of it. Lewis says he always regarded the act as one of the minor heroisms of the war. I wonder, has anyone ever seen this photograph? I surely would like to see it.

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Javito, it is likely this one:




I have run across this image on several occasions over the years and it was noted as being a very rare photo taken by an RFC flyer early in the War.


Congrats on your upcoming graduation and best of luck with the LSATs and you application.







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Wow - I knew if anyone might know where to find the pic, it would be Shredward, JFM or you!

The Eindecker doesn't look as dangerous as the late war planes, but still I can imagine how

thrilling it must feel when a craft with a machine gun is climbing up on you.

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That picture is so epic. I wish there were more like it, but I imagine pilots in '17/'18 didn't have the opportunity to snap a photo when the later model Fokkers were bearing down on them. Many, many thanks Lou!

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Well this is awkward but...

@RAF_Louvert Your photo link has not survived the 13 years since you posted. Got another? 😃 

(Hello by the way!)

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