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I'm wondering if the Patriot unit can kill a incoming scud now? or does it have to be a naval unit?


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Well, add the following line to its "weaponsystem" section and find out: MissileDefense=TRUE. I believe however, that it will only work against cruise missiles.

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hmmm...i've been noticiing my HAWKs and Patriot's not working at all ... let alone showing UP!! Especially on naval maps ... the AAW DD/FFG/CG/etc seem to fire any anything moves, flys, swims or crawls!! :lol:

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Shouldn't be difficult to set up a ballistic missile as an ASM. Just give it a very high loft and a steep dive. I'll put together a proof of concept unit if anyone is interested.

hmmm...i've been noticiing my HAWKs and Patriot's not working at all ... let alone showing UP!! Especially on naval maps ... the AAW DD/FFG/CG/etc seem to fire any anything moves, flys, swims or crawls!! :lol:


I get a smattering of HAWKS here on various maps, and Patriots and their radars are showing up on Taiwan for me as they should, even though I made it a naval map. Which terrains on your end?

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Persian Gulf.


it's ready to go, except for a 'front line' issue, and the CAS/Auntie_Shipping/Armed_Recon no primary targets problem.

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