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2012 Raytheon Award (Excellent F-15 Video)

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A Friend of mine from belgian Air Force sent me a link with what i believe is one of the best videos created about aviation.


This is by far the best F-15 footage you can find on the web: aerial combat with 2011′s top air-to-air squadron in the USAF. - Along with stunning footage, it includes air-to-air chats.


The 67th FS operates from Kadena AB, Okinawa, and provides air defense and air superiority in the Asian-Western Pacific area of operations. North Korea is warned.






This video was created to commemorate the 67FS winning the 2011 Raytheon Trophy for outstanding aerial achievement, given to the top air-to-air squadron in the USAF.


The footage was shot over 1 year of flying with a Sony HD Handycam and GOPRO Hero.



The video was edited with Sony Vegas Movie Studio HD over 2 weeks by Jersey. Footage includes flying and aircraft from both the 67FS "Fighting Cocks" and the 44FS "Vampire Bats", entirely on location at Kadena AB, Japan. Most of the over water footage was filmed while we were raging like demons from hell in the skies over the pacific ocean like our brothers did 70 years before us.






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