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march 2012 update but still black F-15 and F-16 skins

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Soo I updated to march 2012 update for SF2E. But im still getting black skins for the vipers team F-16 and the F-15 Super pack. And for somereason the update is still June 2011 after updating to March 2012 any idea what im doin wrong

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if you have June 2011 Level, you installed the patch wrong.

Check if you use the right path for the patch installation. (where the game is installed, not to mods folder)

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How to do that and by the way i cant update it no more it says patch is already updated

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when the exe runs somewhere the path is written.

you can manually change it.

best would be,

to backup your Mod folders, uninstall all SF2 Games, reinstall, patch and then copy again your mod folders.

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