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@ Sinbad

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responding in more detail to you thread at 3rdWire....


i'm making the assumption (oh! that word!!) this is the effect you wanted on the DH4 cockpt. I didn't repaint the fuel gauge, as I wanted a comparision (but easily done!.


looking through the cockpit OUT, as you mentioned you have this example (all other needles are the same:


WaterNeedle (16 polys, 48 verts) 'GlossBlack'


that means it has a material applied in MAX, that takes the place of what usually would be a texture (bmp or tga, as in stock aircraft and many 3rd parties)


at the bottom of the OUT you have this (emphasis added by me)


14 Materials:

( 1) Cockpit:


( 2) Gauges:


( 3) AirSpeedFace:


( 4) GlossBlack:

<No Texture>

( 5) Altimeter:


( 6) Clock:


( 7) FuelFace:


( 8) Tach:


( 9) CompassFace:


( 10) Silver:


( 11) GlossWhite:

<No Texture>

( 12) 16 - Default:

Transparency enabled


( 13) TempGuage:


( 14) Glass:

Transparency enabled



11 Textures:













unfortunatly, the 'no texture' is the issue. what that means is there is no way to change the color of the needle withOUT going back into MAX and changing the material.


OTH, (I assume Stephan built the cockpit..) if he can go back into MAX and texture it, it's a super simple matter to change the color. In truth, that is the best alternative!

Edited by Wrench

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Thanks Wrench and Stephen1918.


It's always the little things that trip over that word!


The revised DH-4 cockpit project is now back on track!



Edited by sinbad

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looking good!


I take you used the same trick I did: Image--> Adjust--> Invert, then repaint the necessary red & green bits?


for the gauges?

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Actually no - the gauges are all new in order to accurately model USAS equipment


There is a lot more to do. The pit is really important for immersion.


I'll post screenies in a few.


This is becoming a much busier place . . .

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Stock cockpits have a very nice effect in the cockpit texture, a black hole in the place of every clock. Extract the cockpit bmp from any of the stock planes and you will see what i'm talking about,

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