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In Option.ini there is something of new, since the last patch, exactly this: :blink:



Use32BitZBuffer=TRUE <------------------------------- :this:



What is it, what does it mean?? :dntknw:

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Sorry for the Wiki dump but it's a good explanation on this high bandwidth graphics option - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Z-buffering


This means that 32Bit uses more bandwidth (Graphics card texture memory) than whatever TK was using previously so if you've got a card with limited memory (say less than 512Mb) then leaving this as true will have a performance impact. However as I haven't a clue what TK used before (it may have been none, 16 or 24Bit) then I can't say for sure how much graphics card memory you'd need (756Mb to 4Gb?) to see if theres a performance impact vs visual quality with it switched on, although it may help those with Stutter with the new patch to turn it off to see if that helps.

Edited by ianh755

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Sorry for the Wiki dump but it's a good explanation on this high bandwidth graphics option - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Z-buffering


This means that 32Bit uses more bandwidth (Graphics card texture memory) than whatever TK was using previously so if you've got a card with limited memory (say less than 512Mb) then leaving this as true will have a performance impact. However as I haven't a clue what TK used before (it may have been none, 16 or 24Bit) then I can't say for sure how much graphics card memory you'd need (756Mb to 4Gb?) to see if theres a performance impact vs visual quality with it switched on, although it may help those with Stutter with the new patch to turn it off to see if that helps.


Tried it and saw no improvement. Still get stutters and FPS drops from 30+ with 2x game loop to 10 with 5x game loop.



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