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Just FYI - The photo contest did not catch my interest for a couple of reasons:


1 - Edited photos allowed. I don't have the software or wherewithall to generate the kind of pics needed to win. If this was just a pure screenshot contest I would have entered some pics.


2 - The prize, a copy of Pacific Fighters. Well, I would bet that 99.9% of the people (including me) that visit this site already have it.


Sorry, but because of the above I didn't even look into this.


Rgds, Sygy

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Just FYI - The photo contest did not catch my interest for a couple of reasons:


1 - Edited photos allowed.  I don't have the software or wherewithall to generate the kind of pics needed to win.  If this was just a pure screenshot contest I would have entered some pics.


2 - The prize, a copy of Pacific Fighters.  Well, I would bet that 99.9% of the people (including me) that visit this site already have it.


Sorry, but because of the above I didn't even look into this.


Rgds, Sygy

Plenty of free & decent image editing software available.


2nd is possibly more valid but I doubt that it's 99.9% of all visitors (possibly 99% of those that are interested) - e.g. I don't have PF .

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We were to pick the top 5, but with such a short entry list, we submited all pics for a vote.


This was not a EDITED SCREENS ONLY contest, and if you think that your chances of winning are diminished by ignoring that fact, well, a chance is a chance...better to have one then none at all.


PGRaptor even stated that he did not have the tools to make a winning picture....but, you didn't need the tools. We could have easily picked 5 NON_Edited screens for voting....


My personal taste is "The less edit needed, the better the screenshot".


This was dissapointing to the MJ and Myself personally. We work and work and work, and we wanted to give back to the community only to have the community worry more about whether they have the latest WOV download, rather then gain an ounce of happiness over having the CHANCE to win a great game.


I can understand that some may not want to look into a contest about a game they already have. But, I don't mind giving a copy of a game to give to a friend or family member to help spur some interest in keeping the genre alive and kicking. As Buff stated, no everyone has it. This site was founded by LOMAC, and I don't even have it.


I'm sure the contestant will be estatic to receive the copy. I'd also like to thank those that did enter. Everyone did a great job with their entry, and we hope they come back again for more prizes in the future.


Sygy, we do appreciate the comments, and if we have another screenshot contest, maybe it'll be non-edited screens.





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Sounds like you guys have a lot of passion about providing a good website for use of the flight sim community. I'm rather new to biohaz, but I do greatly appreciate the quality of this site. My congrats and sincere thanks.


I see better now that when you make the effort for the community and don't see much response you feel a little, shall we say, disappointed.


Rant Mode Off



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