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Rise of Flight v1.026 Released!

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Ah, can't wait to see this! My problem with many of the new planes has been lack of MP coop missions to fly them in. These mods will hopefully work on existing missions making the planes more interesting in missions I already know well!

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Thus far, I've been having a blast online!

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I've got to figure out what's going on with the Spad XIII's "balloon guns". Worked fine for me offline, went online and they wouldn't fire...

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They might not work in co-op?

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That's what I've determined and been told by others.


That's egregious. It really sucks IMO that the MP mode the game shipped with has been made the redheaded stepchild in the triad with SP (getting career and campaigns now) and Dogfight (the afterthought that unfortunately everyone flocked to).


If only they would cater to us coop players again equally.


I will never play Dogfight because I have NO interest in flying against humans. Not in ROF, not in DCS, not in Il-2, not in ANY sim. I dislike it because frankly everyone else out there has more time to devote to it than me, so I prefer to fly against AI I can adjust to my level instead of just spend my MP flying taking off, flying for a time, and then quickly dying. Rinse and repeat. Devoting an hour or two a week will never get me good enough to compete, and I don't want to nor do I get any entertainment out of it.

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I think adding the weapons mods to co-op is a WIP.

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Well, see if they were presented that way in-game (like the tab was missing or just said "coming soon"), I would give some slack.


Instead, they're there. You can pick them and fly with them. They just won't fire a single shot. It's like they're out of ammo from the start. How much more work needs to be done to make them fire? I've accepted that the AI planes won't have them to use because the logistics are hard to figure...can an AI plane use a weapon mod a player doesn't have? Would the AI pick it based on some mission setting like whether to take bombs?


No, that's fine. I just want PLAYERS to be able to use them in coop missions.

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