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Modded aircraft's speed limit ?

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I modded an A-4K w/a burner. Spoke to a couple others about this. I was given a suggestion of Flightcontrol in the DATA, tried it still could only manage MACH 0.95 in the straight and level at 10K. From 50K straight down 1.06 MACH. I did this in the legacy Wings Over series could get just over 1.2 MACH. It seems there is a govener which limits the max speed, I think somthing in the locked Third Wire folders perhaps. Any suggestions anyone?


Edited by MAKO69

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In the first series, examples of limiters were:





Also, engine thrust under the engine entries:



SLThrustWet=129000.00 <<--AB


...also limited the max thrust. By increasing your machlimit number and engine thrust entry (adding an extra 50-100% for example) would result in some pretty tangible increases in speed. One thing I'm not 100% on is these entries:








...I think were measured in newtons or by some other unit of measurement. I'm sure it wasn't Kph/Mph/Kts and I'm pretty sure this hasn't changed for Gen 2. If I'm wrong, please correct me.

Edited by SayWhatt

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The speed of a certain aircraft is not only controlled by the flightcontrol section and engine entries in the DATA.ini, you might have to much drag on several parts in the Data.ini. At subsonic level this doesn´t count that much, but when going near/above MACH 1 these values prevent th aircraft to reach a higher speed.

I´m not sure what values of the flight model you have to change, you might need to contact a FM guru. :grin:

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@ SayWhatt: the speed values are in meters per second (m/s)


For the original question:


There are numerous value that limit the top speed in the FM. Other than the pure (imposed) limits like above there are others of aerodynamical nature like Florian said and others in the engine section. And here is hidden why most of the stock planes can't achieve their true maximum speed or acceleration like the real counterparts...

(From A-4F engine section)


AltitudeTableNumData=27 -------> means there are 27 values for the altitude/thrust value

AltitudeTableDeltaX=609.6 -------> One every 609.6 meters of altitude

AltitudeTableStartX=0.0 -------> It starts from 0

AltitudeTableData=1.000,0.952,0.906,0.860,0.816,0.773,0.731,0.691,0.652,0.614,0.578,0.543,0.509,0.477,0.446,0.416,0.388,0.361,0.335,0.303,0.275,0.249,0.227,0.206,0.187,0.170,0.000 -------> so at 0 meters the trust will be the nominal value and gradually decrease with the altitude.

DryMachTableNumData=12 -------> nearly same as above but in relation of the mach number.



DryMachTableData=1.000,0.968,0.952,0.948,0.955,0.975,1.006,1.046,1.098,1.160,1.231,0.000 -------> Here as you can see the table say that at Mach 1 your engine will give 120% of the thrust than at 0 speed but just at Mach 1.1 it drops to 0!!! so it will no generate thrust at that speed.

MaxInletTemperature=120.0 -------> Another important factor for supersonic planes is the inlet temperature limits. That's about Mach 2.2... If beyond your plane will be soon on fire. :P

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