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Need Help Installing AV History WW2 Weapons Pack

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Hi all,


I'm installing some of Ndicki's great BF109's. They require the AV History WW2 guns.


The AV WW2 weapons pack has no instructions except for entries in the soundlist.ini which I've accomplished.


There are gun folders, tracer .tga files and sound .wav files that need to be placed somewhere, but I can't figure out where.


I've placed them in the a dozen different places but can't seem to get it right.


Any help to get these great birds firing is greatly appreciated.




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i've found them to be exceptionally clumsy in their naming conventions (overlong -SF2 likes things short and sweet) and very diffucult to use (editing wise). All the needed guns s/b in the GunnyPak, using standard SF2 designations


*The Secret to Great Editing: keep it short, and simple.*


sounds go in the /Sounds folder

gun folders go in the /Objects/Guns folder

tracers go in the /Effects folder.


then, you'll have to extract (if not done already) the Soundlist.ini, place it in the /Flight folder, and add the gun sounds.


it's easier to edit the aircraft's data ini, back to the originals, than fiddle with all that!!

Edited by Wrench
added path for guns folder

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