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Categorize Thirdwire Downloads for SFP1, WOV, WOE & WOI.

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I would like to make a suggestion for the download section for the Thirdwire series sims for SFP1, WOV, WOE, & WOI. Currently, all of the categories such as: aircraft, skins, cockpits, sounds, missions and campaigns are all in one pile of 700 entries. I had to explore and browse through all of the pages which is very time consuming. I suggest all of these files of aircraft, skins, cockpits, sounds, missions and campaigns be placed in separate categories to make it easier to browse through the download files similar to the download section of Thirdwire First Eagles. Thank you, I appreciate it.

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I think you mean SF2 ???


SF1 has been very well categorized for years, it's SF2 that takes forever to wade through..

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Both SF2 and SF1 downloads are categorized. SF1 files have many sub categories, SF2 has them in at least general categories for sorting.



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