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SF2 WW2 Mustangs of the CBI

SF2 WW2 CBI Mustangs


-- Something for the CBI players --

= For SF2, Full-4/5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) =


*There is a possibility that this mod will =NOT= work in SF/Wo* 1stGen game installs, due to the excessive modifications made to fit them into the SF2 environment.*


**Notex2: These aircraft should ONLY be used in a seperate CBI-centric mods folder to prevent them from showing up where, historically, they shouldn't. The Aircraft/GroundObject sets for CBI are substantially different from Central or SouthWest Pacific areas. You'll need the Burma and China WW2 terrains from the 1stGen Terrains Downloads. Be advised, that even though I reworked both terrains some years ago, they need yet another going over to correct many faults; but they ARE perfecly playable as is, with the needed SF2 terrain conversion tweeks that is :)**


This pack contains 3 aircraft, by or modded from those build by Wolf257, for use in the China-Burma-India Theatre by the USAAF. They are:


A-36 Apache

P-51A Mustang

P-51B Mustang


All aircraft are from the 311th FBG, and represent the various squadrons. These are the ONLY early model Mustangs to see service in the Pacifc Theatre (well, ok, actually CBI!), and no where else. The D model's didn't start to make their appearences until US Forces landed in the Phillipines. Hence, again, the need for a seperate CBI-centric install.


New (semi)compliant SF2 FMs were cobbled together. As has become expected, the FM is NOT perfect, and needs further fine-tuning by Experts. New hangar screens, theatre specific weapons (except the WW2 bombs -you should have them already), a pilot figure and engine sounds are included. All skins are in jpg format, and decal randomization is set to TRUE. As is usual, all lighting is 100% historically correct. Remember, too, the A-36 and P-51A are the Allison engined versions, and therefore not as 'quick' as the Merlin powered models.


As always, fairly easy to follow, highly detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them. Also, give the "Notes" section a read too. All original readmes are included for historical purposes (when discoveralbe from the archives)


Happy Hunting!


kevin stein

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Smells like a WW2 PTO mod is coming or smth... :biggrin: Thanks Wrenchie!

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guys at Capun's site are making some very impressive Jap planes... with bumpmaps and all the modern stuff. I think another total conversion mod is in line

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yes, they've stated they're doing a PTO mod.

Their new Oscar looks really NICE!!, let me tell you!

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it's out now, will check later...


Nice... my PTO is growing :smile:

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