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Comprehensive squadron list?

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I feel like my squadronlist.ini needs a serious update. It's about 270 entries and I've had it since before I migrated from SF1. Does anyone have a big, comprehensive, definitive list that they'd like to share?

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WBS, there is one in the making as part of the Realism mod. You can download it from post #121. Should be the first on the linked page.

Please note there might be updated one later but this has qute a lot in it.




Edited by logan4

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hold on that DL WBS, i'm doing that one up but the current version on HD has about 600+ squadrons plus 150 placeholders so adjustments for patches are minimal. i will be releasing a preview of sorts by sunday or monday with a decal pack for the new DLC skinpack.


also your several patches old if yours has 270 some entries. july patch takes it to 401 and the new DLC adds 4 more USAF squadrons for a total of 405

Edited by daddyairplanes

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One thing I found was that the campaigns will act really weird if you delete stock units from the SquadronList.ini and replace them or renumber them. I had to add new units at the end to preserve what the game engine knew and how that corresponded with the stock decals and their numbers.



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oh i know that STORM. my list adds on after the stock. i also am addin stuff that is strictly nonstock (like A-3 units) in Vietnam A&G Exp and NF4+ as add on at the end (900-999) but folks that flew stock planes are in the meat of the list (550-899). of course means i hafta DL all the majore campaigns to bounce em offa each other..........(grumbles off to his hole)

also again i have roughly 150 place holders for TW expansion room. less headache for patches. there is a 90% complete one in the realism thread right now, a slight more finished one to be released with my DLC 21 mod later this week. and all the USAF iron droppers i could think of in block 600-699

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