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YAP Vietnam Era Carriers in SF-2NA Standard

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..... it's on the LOD.


Here what happens if I only use CVA-41 LOD .....



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No I can't. Unluckly only 3 guns are operational. they fire but no turret seems animated ..... I'm testing. Maybe WhiteboySamuray, our greatest navy specialist, could help.


All guns on all the U.S./IJN carriers are now functioning.

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.... while main works on Midway Class are going on, I decided to fill the gap with a CVA-42 Franklin D. Roosvelt repainted .....




I was so happy about the result that I was going to change planes squadrons and writnings before to make a CVA-59 Forrestal, when I noted this:




Well I can't delete it why I think is fom the LOD file !!!!!! Is it possible?


Could one (or more) of our experts HELP me?


Thanks in advance.


Having built the ship, the name is an object, part of the model.

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Having built the ship, the name is an object, part of the model.


I figured it. So no way to delete .... thank you Hinch, You made an oustanding with those carriers!

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And I should note that a real FDR (unfinished) does exist on the hard drive...................... but I've a lot to do elsewhere.

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nice to see you again Hinch!!! :biggrin:

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I'm not THAT much of a modder - so (dumb question maybe) is there some pack with which I can get all these carriers (41, 42, 64, 65, 66...) and import them into my SV2V (I also have NA for that matter)? They look absolutely great!

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These carriers are only available to buy with YAP2 missions - not sure which ones - problem is a lot of them were done with static objects over the deck so they couldn't be used for landing and taking off (they used 2 models per mission)


I've no idea why versions for Vietnam era campaigns could not have been done and sold separately - unless they were hoping to use the models in another commercial venture.

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What a shame - they look so "want them"!


Thanks for sharing your info...

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There isn't still an Essex model in Rising Sun but there is a brand workin' one locked at A-TEAM site ...


This is the lady Lex (or her Saratoga sister) involved in taking off operations




.... and waiting for landings




Not so difficult to mod too, following my way ....



@ Paul


What was the trick/entry/mod to get the planes to take off from 3rd party carriers in SF2? I never could get them to work in SF2V. Always started missions in the air over the carrier.

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i think (and may not be totally right...) have SF2NA in the merged install. and properly coded terrains with the additon of the 'CVzones' painted on the _water.bmp.


however, even with a full-5 merged, terrains can generatve CVBGs, but they'll be in odd places (like the middle a desert or mountaisn!!!)

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Okay, Thanks Kevin. I saw that in one of the KB threads. I assumed incorrectly that it did not apply to single missions.

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8, (or anyone else that wants)


give this a try ...


in the zip is a new VietnamSEA_water.bmp, with 2 'firendly' cv stations in approx Yankee and Dixie locations

unzip, and drip it into your VietnamSEA terrain folder (create one if needed!!)


open (extrct if needed and place in the terrain folder) the VietnamSEA.ini, and add the following lilnes:





see how that works for ya!


now, sometimes, even in my full5 merged install, the boat is placed a bit too close inshore, but seem to work ok. I know there's some coding issues that have never been fully addressed by The Manufacturer

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Something certainly worked, SF2V, VietnamSea. Tried your advice with a scripted mission. Now to work out the kinks. Thanks again.







Edited by eightlein

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