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building a new skin and Flight Model for F-5E/F

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Hello my friends

Can you buil a new skin for F-5E/F?

It's F-5 Azarakhsh(improved F-5E/F in the project of Azarakhsh)

F-5 Azarakhsh is more powerful than standard Tigers

It can fly in night and can fire semi active radar homing missiles

Here is the F-5 Azarakhsh pictures:






And another thing

Mirage Factory's F-5E have a big problem in Flight Model

When your Flight difficulty is in hard when you want to go right or left Foe example in 850 KM/H It's speed immediately decrease to less than 300 KM/H

Can anybody build a better FM for F-5E?

Edited by morteza1374
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thank you i dont know mr or mrs Soulfreak for helping us

but we still keep waiting for more helps & Suggestions





sky high is where i belong

Edited by sandrus

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Thank you


When I want to paint the main design(I mean the lines on the skin) also painted and be the worst

What should I do?

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When I want to paint the main design(I mean the lines on the skin) also painted and be the worst

What should I do?

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