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Altitude for anti-shipping in SF2:NA

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I have a ww2 PTO install from a copy of SF2:NA. I notice that all anti-shipping attacks happen at low level by default. That's right for the modern age, but for ww2 it stops dive-bombers from, you know, diving. Is there any way to change the default mission profile in SF2:NA?

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in between trying to salvage my C drive (its dying badly), I was looking into it.

So far, all I've confimed is that the game seems (emphasis on seems) to be ignoring any added AI statements in aircraft's data ini. We used to be able to edit the (irrc) the missioncontrol.ini, and change various altitudes...


no luck so far.

I know historically, USN dive bombers came in from 15-17000 feet. I'd assume (oh! that word!) IJN aircraft would be fairly similiar


you could alwasy try adding NAVAL_STRIKE to the Primary or Secondary Roles in the data in, and see what happens. Be ready to change it back, however

Edited by Wrench

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in between trying to salvage my C drive (its dying badly), I was looking into it.

So far, all I've confimed is that the game seems (emphasis on seems) to be ignoring any added AI statements in aircraft's data ini. We used to be able to edit the (irrc) the missioncontrol.ini, and change various altitudes...


no luck so far.

I know historically, USN dive bombers came in from 15-17000 feet. I'd assume (oh! that word!) IJN aircraft would be fairly similiar


you could alwasy try adding NAVAL_STRIKE to the Primary or Secondary Roles in the data in, and see what happens. Be ready to change it back, however


Thanks Kevin. I've been fiddling with the D3A Val, but so far I have no idea how it dive bombs by AI because they're too low to do it.

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