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God no, MadJeff's got a blog

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For those of you that want to stay in touch, I've decided I can't just leave cold-turkey from the web, so I'm doing a little experiment/therepy and have started a blog. As if there was not enough useless crap on the internet already, now I'm adding to it!


This is going to be quite a departure for me, as the blog will be more personal than Biohaz was, covering some of my varied hobbies/work/net security stuff, and my worthless views and thoughts on various topics such as the sim scene, etc. Yep, pretty much worthless crap that no one but I will care about. :grin: But if you get bored, by all means mosey on by sometime. I'd love to keep in touch with the regulars. They great thing about this one is that I have no self-imposed pressure to perform/maintain it. :grin:


You can waste your time here:




Not a lot there yet, but it's a start.

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Ohhh Jeff, you got way lucky with the furnace thang! OMG I'm actually reading BLOGS!


My furnace went tango uniform about two months after I bought my house. I even had an inspector tour the house for write ups and he said the heater was just fine.


Two days before I'm supposed to head out for Vegas to get hitched (01/10/01) I come home to a cold house. Called the guy...he red tagged my furnace after finding a crack in the firewall.


"Crack in the wha?" "Red Tag means I can't use it even after it kicked back on...and in the dead cold of January you say???".


Okay, he was kind hearted. He told me he couldn't allow an "unsafe" furnace to be used, but what we did after he left wouldn't be known.


Found out my furnace that was okay'd by the numbnut housing inspector was the same age as me! It was built and installed in 1966. Prolly was about 30-40% efficient. No wonder my gas bills were so high. :dntknw:


Emergency call to a nearby HVAC guy, and about $2500 later (JUST BEFORE MY VEGAS WEDDING TRIP!) I ended up with a brand spanking new 92% efficient furnace on the day before I left for Vegas.


Yeah, you got lucky. :biggrin::victory:

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