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Placement of Weapons ini and weapons data

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A question about this two files, Weapons ini and Weapons data. I have modified a pair of things and I am not sure were is the right placement.

I thing is inside of folder Objects, together with other files like Bulletobbject, Missileobject,etc.

Other question, after editing with the Weapon Editor,the other weapons eventually not included in the Weapon data list continued to work normally, or must be included ALL weapons in the list?

As example: i have worked with the Shaprir 1 missile, extracted and check some parameters. Now a new folder named Shafrir I is inside of the folder weapons with the new parameters. After the weapon editor had created a new weapons data and ini. But after checking the list of weapondata, I have observed that not all weapons are displayed now.


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With SF2, you do NOT need to ever touch the Weapons.ini or Weapons.dat. You creat a folder with the necessary files included in the Modded Games Weapons directory and the game reads it from there.



Edit: Get rid of the modded Weapons.ini and Weapons.dat you created, and only use folders for any additional weapons you create.

Edited by Wrench

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ain't this coverd somewhere in the SF2 knowledge base???


you should NEVER have to touch the stock WeaponsData.ini ... EVER!!!


everything is folderized within the /Objects/Weapons/ folder, with every item having it's own main ini and _data ini


as was said above

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