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Belgian Gladiator MkI

Gladiator MkI

1ère Escardrille de Chasse ("La Comète")/Ième Group/No.2 Air Regiment (Fighter)


********For Cocas' terrific Gladiator MkII********


Belgium had ordered 22 Gladiator Is during the summer of 1937. 15 aircraft were serviceable on 10 May 1940. Five were not in a flyable condition, 2 were lost prior to accidents prior to the commencement of hostilities.


I've included only 14 numbers in the pact as the 15th aircraft (no. 18) belonged to the commanding General and was not armed. While the exact serial numbers of all the active aircraft are not known, I have included the numbers of all the aircraft which were recorded as combat losses.


La Comète were based at Schaffen, just north of Diest. The base was attacked at 04:32hrs on 10 May 1940 with the loss of 3 Gladiators and 9 of the 11 Hurricane MkIs stationed there.





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I LIKE this!!


however, is the G3 map missing? I'm getting an untextured vert tail

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no problem! i've already fixed it, and converted them to DDS for the SF2 release!! (if that's ok with Lloyd!!)

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Sorry guys


Didn't realise I was working off an old LOD. If the vertical tail is the only problem, then its easily fixed.


Wrench, thanks for converting to SF2. I'll grab the updated LOD and G3.bmp file from there and make the changes to the install when I get home from work.



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its not quite finished for SF2 release yet .. discoverd serials for 112 squadron, and need to make the decals.


the new lod also uses DDS only (bmp and jpgs won't work without hex editiing). fixed decal placement on rudder, and missing DecalMaxLod= statements


this skin is a REAL beauty!!!

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Hey Guys


When you release the Gladiator, put my SAAF and Belgian skins in the pack. I've been tweaking them a bit so I'll send Wrench the revised skins and layered photoshop files to play with.



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i just need to do the 112 squadron decals, and it'll be ready for SF2 (got a couple of surprises ships in the pak too, for Med use!!)

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Cocas & Wrench


It strikes me that Gladiator/Sea Gladiator was never released for SF1. If you redo the pack for the earlier game then I can take my Belgian skin down.


I might put the templates up for others to use and modify. I couldn'y possibly do all the possible Gladiator skins.


Have you tried doing an early day/night RAF skin? There are so issues with the bottom left side of the tail mapped to the right side and vice versa.



Edited by LloydNB

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you mean the black/white unders? I actually tried that, but it didn't work right for me on fuselage (of coures, one could cheat, and just do the wings/tail under in Night -- some photo seem to indicate a 'aluminium dope' on the fueleage in Egypt, with the black/whit wings)

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