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Noobish Wings over Vietnam questions!

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So I recently got the game and so far loving it. The only problem I'm facing right now is bombing. I only bombed one target successfully out of maybe 12 -__-


And there was this mission in which I had to bomb a runway, I dropped 3-4 cluster bombs on top of it but nothing happened to it,why? I saw the bombs dropping on the runway and when I exited the mission the stats said runway damaged only, how the hell do I destroy it?



And how can I fly the B-52D bomber?

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Welcome on board!

You need heavy iron bombs!

Cluster bombs won´t destroy runways.

They are working good for AAs, Sams, Tanks, fuel tanks.

But for runways, buildings etc. you should use "normal" bombs.

F.e. Mk.82 etc...

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Cannot destroy runways with clusters, try heavier iron bombs, and cannot fly B-52.

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bombing is about practice. i suggest dive bombing, maybe 45º and try until you get used to. About the B-52, you need to install a cockpit for it

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bombing is about practice. i suggest dive bombing, maybe 45º and try until you get used to.

But with cluster bombs loaded, you can dive until you get black and you won´t destroy the runway! ;-)

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You can't fly the built-in B-52D per se, but with a little modding (ie, adding a cockpit), you can. But there's a sweet B-52 superpack for both gen 1 and gen 2 that has a very nice B-52D. Have a look in the download section, it shouldn't be too hard to find. As for the bombing practice, have a look in the Knowledge Base, I think, otherwise, if you do a search for 'bombing accuracy', 'level bombing' or 'learning to bomb', there should be a thread or two dedicated to it. I know there have definitely been some guides made about level bombing, I'm just not sure where specifically.


Also, you can't destroy runways with gunfire of any kind, so that rules out gunships... Such a shame!

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There is a mod for SF1 in downloads that will give you a working bombsight for the B-52 look for it,then maybe you can bomb.

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