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slick cowboy

chaff and flares for F-8 FN?

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I'm enjoying TK's French Navy F-8, but it's kinda weird not to have chaffs or flares when flying in the late 70's.

Is there a way to add these in the data.ini file???


I can't find any info on chaff dispensers of flares for late French F-8, but it's be weird if they were not equipped with it. I'm sure they must have undergone numerous improvements over the years no??

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Well, they were fitted with RWRs during the 1990 update, but I couldn't find any reference to Chaff/Flare dispensers. However, the ThirdWire F-8E_66 does have dispensers and a jammer. Add this after the Weapons Station entries in the Data ini.:

















The dispenser only has Chaff, but Flares are easily added.

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Not that easy, you should have those entries listed in a parent component of the aircraft, i think

Edited by macelena

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Yeah, Mac, you're absolutely right; slick cowboy add this to the Fuselage Systems entries:




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ok worked

i made me a 68 with jam and chaff and 79 with jam, chaff and flares

strangely though, you don't have to rename the skin files to F-8_FN_68 for instance... you need to keep the original file naming unlike the other aircraft.


well anyway, it works thanks!

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That´s because the 3D model is the same, the name of meshes remain, those are not related to the aircraft name in the folder or inis, you can do it with anything, ground objects included

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