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A-10A and S-300PS Die Trying to shoot it down

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I remember a coop MP mission in FC1 flying A-10As vs S300s. Your only hope was to take out the tracking radar with a Maverick on your first attempt, and you better be VERY low, unless there were other planes in the area to get fired at instead of you, letting you close in.

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Actually, I got blown out of this self-made SP mission the first time. Then I realized that I shouldn't be approaching from the flat lands. That time I flew to the east of the SAM site and use the small hill to get into the envelop. And the first thing I take out is the command post. Without it, it won't fire a single shot.


There is a mountain top near the border of Abkhazia in Georgia proper that is flat enough and wide enough to put enough air-defense assets on it. I've tried putting a full Patriot battery plus a Buk-M1 system and a few ZSU-23-4s. I finally found a way to take out MPQ-53. It actually shoots down Kh-58 missiles.


I can't clear the mountain top myself. AI-controlled a/c are idiotic at best. Need some brains behind the cockpit to work together.


Ships are kind of idiotic. They really need to fix Ticonderoga, and give Perry two-target engagement capability, and priotize shooting down AShMs first. I know it's about 1990s technology, but Tico should be able to shoot down two Su-25Ts with all 4xKh-58 fired at it without a scratch.

Edited by AvalancheDiode

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Yes, the anti-missile ability of SAMs is a bit too much. I don't think there's a single documented case of it happening ever aside from the Patriot/SCUD thing, but shooting down a Maverick???

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Shooting down Mavericks is actually pretty easy with anything phase array. Tico's system was designed to engage multiple AS-6 attacks simultaneously, and that passive phase array radar system was designed in late 70s.

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I just tried with both Su-25T/Kh-29T/Kh-25ML and A-10A with AGM-65D against 4x or 5x SA-9. They all shot at me and not the incoming missiles. Maybe it is because I flew into the envelop and AI prioritized to shoot at me. I will try fly higher above 15 angle tomorrow.

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FWIW, I believe the issue is networking. In other words, an SA-9 by itself cannot. However, you put an SA-9 within a certain distance of an S-300 or something and now the SA-9 can intercept missiles too...even though in reality such networking is very difficult.

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