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wasn't the Edward's stuff taken with him years ago..? Or with DAT guys?

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I dunno; the KAW Campaign is still there but when I clicked to "see Edwards other files" it said there's nothing there, so you're probably right. Thanks.

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maybe it's still at AvSim???


OTH, it probably wont' work on my rebuilt terrain, and the campagin itself will need a matching overhaul

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'Kay, I'll take a look at AvSim; I really just want to look at it. I'm tryin' to figure out what makes Campaigns tick.

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It is at avsim and pretty sure is way outa date,But the pacific objects items are still useful but you have to hunt them down in downloads under objects something like that and they are way back in the pages that look like they have nothing to do with it.You would think it would be in terrains where its mentoned.

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Um, I just got done looking at AvSim and couldn't find it. A hint, maybe?

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I'm Outta town right now,I'll be back Monday and I'll send it to you,That would be easier.Ok?I actually found them by accident. :biggrin:

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How's it going?Any Progress?I'm Stuck with phillipines1941 even used edwards original terrain updated to sf2 but campaign wont start and single missions are calling for ships that dont show up-Imperial Japanese navy destroyer,TroopCarrier/TransportVessel Now I copied JapDestroyer and Liberty and changed their names in data.ini to reflect ones called for,You'ed think that would be enough but alas they still dont show first terrain I've run into this. :blink:

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Remember what happened with me and BoB. That advice from Migbuster was perfect. You might want to try removing folders one at a time and see if the campaign starts. If you remember, the game was trying to start Kadesh without any modern aircraft, with predictable results. If you want to try that, copy your aircraft folder to a safe location, or just rename it, start the game and hit the campaign button. If any other campaign is in the selection window but the Philippines, you've got the same problem I had. If so, select the Philippines campaign and exit the game. Delete the aircraft folder that the game generated and rename/return to it's rightful place the WWll aircraft folder. Start the game and see what happens. As far as any progress, I've been a little sidetracked lately; I'm eyeing the Philippines mod with a jaundiced eye, looks like a lot of work! Also, and I don't want to sound like an ingrate here, but the Solomons folder you sent was the Terrain, not the campaign. No biggie.

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Oh sorry I misunderstood what you wanted,I did'nt see any Campaigns on Avsim site but I will go back and look again.Fixed the ships not showing had to put a GroundObjects statement in their ini file. :biggrin:

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Yeah thought I saw it was probably the terrain,Only campaigns I saw were for Korea,Vietnam,or MiddleEast,Just spent alot of time combing the catalog all SF1.Sorry about the misunderstanding. :fool: But you will need those Pacific objects I sent you if your going to do Philippines1941.

Edited by usafphantom2

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