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Using my wealth of power...

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...I managed to pull some strings and make TK add biohaz onto his links page 8)




I e-mialed the link and asked if he would add it :?


Either way, your now linked from thirdwire.com (the main links section not just the forums section as you were before)


Congrats MJ :D



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Heheh, thank you for weilding your power only for good, and not for evil... :lol:


Actually, I emailed him the day he put the forum link up and he replied the next day. I think he was just to busy with more important stuff (ie patch) to get it up on the ThirdWire site until a couple days later. But thanks for the help! :D

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hehe, well the "force" aint all its cracked up to be...I'm now typing sooo slowly with one finger......damn lightsaber :lol:

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