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SF2 WW2 Luftwaffe Drop Tank Fixit Pak

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SF2 WW2 Luftwaffe Drop Tank Fixit Pak

SF2 WW2 Luftwaffe Drop Tank Fixit Pak


-- Something for the WW2 ETO/MTO players --


= For SF2, Any and ALL WW2 ETO/MOT Mods folders =


This pack supplies 'rewritten' weapons data for the original, seperate LOD 300 Liter Luftwaffe drop tank.

This change has been necessicated by the release of (SUPERB!) new models for RussoUk's Bf-109 series WW2 Luftwaffe fighters. As these models make use of the 'built in to the aircraft lod' drop tanks, and said new tanks use the same name as the original seperate lod tanks.


What this mod does:

The data and loadout inis supplied herein are for ETO based FW-190s, from my various releases. For those other aircraft that call to the old "Tank_300_LTR_190" tank, particularly those MTO based (109, 190s, Stukas -RA and 87R versions), you'll be doing those yourselves. As well as any other ETO LW aircraft.


I've renamed the droptank data and main inis, to create a 'new' version, that replaces the older one, and supplied edited data and loadout inis for some aircraft (my FW-190 series).

Insturctions are below, as I can't do everything, for End Users ™ to rename the callouts for any other LW aircraft that use this older style tank. It's a simple text edit, and damn near everyone SHOULD be able to handle it.

End Users ™ =WILL= have to browse through all their LW and RA aircraft that may need this change, and make the appropriate edits.


As always, fairly easy to follow install instructions are included. So, please =READ= them BEFORE installing this mod!!!. The "Notes" section contains the full instructions for manually editating the others that WILL need it. A list of said aircraft is not included ...


Have Fun!


kevin stein


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lol just uploaded new tank with name same but minus the LTR bit

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