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AGM-65 Maverick matter

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1.I added the AGM-65 E Maverick which , as you know, it's a laser guided missile. The WOI weapon pack has two more Mavericks, AGM-65A and AGM-65B. I noticed that A and B you can't fire them unless a target is locked (I know they are not laser missiles) etc. I thought that the E model is the same, you can't fire it if there is no target (target is not lased), but you can fire it and, of course it explodes after 100 meters doing nothing. How can you use efectively a laser guided missile except adding a lasing pod on your aircraft ?


2.At my F-4 Kurnass I managed to make the 65A and 65B to appear into a three missiles rack (they can be chosen this way even if in the loadout.ini is a different scheme/pattern). I also , on the hangar screen can choose 65A and 65B into two displacement for each wing. If I add into loadout.ini the 65E it shows on the three missiles rack, but in all other cases I can't choose that 65E three missiles rack into hangar.( I checked the weight, the pylon can sustain it) Why is that ? What should I do to get three 65E missiles rack when ever I want into hangar screen ? (meaning to be able to choose 2 missiles or 3 missiles into the hangar screen)

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For all laser guided weapons, it is assumed that the primary target is illuminated by some "abstract" means, so you can alsways fire them .

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For all laser guided weapons, it is assumed that the primary target is illuminated by some "abstract" means, so you can alsways fire them .


Oh, I see.... thank you for the input

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