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What formation for "Transport" ground object

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If I have a ground object set as TRANSPORT in it's data.ini, what would its' formation parameter be called in the FORMATIONS.ini? Do TRANSPORT objects have their own formation call out? I know trucks and tanks use TANK and Infantry use MobileAD. Just not sure about TRANSPORT.


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yes, transports (and cargo ships) have their own formations, as listed in the Formations.ini























I think this bit, is the spacing and such




Position[01].Offset=0,    0, 0

Position[02].Offset=0,  -50, 0

Position[03].Offset=0, -100, 0

Position[04].Offset=0, -150, 0

Position[05].Offset=0, -200, 0

Position[06].Offset=0, -250, 0

Position[07].Offset=0, -300, 0

Position[08].Offset=0, -350, 0

Position[09].Offset=0, -400, 0

Position[10].Offset=0, -450, 0

Position[11].Offset=0, -500, 0

Position[12].Offset=0, -550, 0

Position[13].Offset=0, -600, 0

Position[14].Offset=0, -650, 0

Position[15].Offset=0, -700, 0

Position[16].Offset=0, -750, 0

Position[17].Offset=0, -800, 0

Position[18].Offset=0, -850, 0

Position[19].Offset=0, -900, 0

Position[20].Offset=0, -950, 0

Position[21].Offset=0,-1000, 0

Position[22].Offset=0,-1050, 0

Position[23].Offset=0,-1100, 0

Position[24].Offset=0,-1150, 0

Position[25].Offset=0,-1200, 0

Position[26].Offset=0,-1250, 0

Position[27].Offset=0,-1300, 0

Position[28].Offset=0,-1350, 0

Position[29].Offset=0,-1450, 0

Position[30].Offset=0,-1500, 0

Position[31].Offset=0,-1550, 0

Position[32].Offset=0,-1600, 0




Position[01].Offset= 0,    0, 0

Position[02].Offset=  500,  400, 0

Position[03].Offset=  -50, -800, 0

Position[04].Offset=  550,-1200, 0

Position[05].Offset=   50,-1600, 0

Position[06].Offset=  450,-2000, 0

Position[07].Offset= -100,-2400, 0

Position[08].Offset=  600,-2800, 0

Position[09].Offset=  100,-3200, 0

Position[10].Offset=  400,-3600, 0

Position[11].Offset= -150,-4000, 0

Position[12].Offset=  650,-4400, 0


haven't messed with it much (ok, at all)

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Thats what I was looking for Wrench. Thanks you sir. :good:

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Do you happen to know where the formation data for naval task forces is kept? I'd like to take a look at it, but I don't see any mention of it in the formations.ini file.

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formations ini, afaik (that where I got the truck stuff above)

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